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Wed, 29 Jul 2003 13:00:00 GMT
Notice! This blog is no longer updated as such, and the new spot to point your feedreaders and blurry eyes are This also means no more comments here, and especially not you spammers, you filthy floatsam of the internet!
Back from holidays
Yes, a nice three-week holiday with the family couldn't stop me from thinking, and now that I'm back, I'll let you all know what I have thought; I've thought a lot about a Java-proxy in cooperation with a nice I've thought a lot about what the next iteration of I've thought a lot about Thomas Passin's JavaScript engine; I'm helping out making a SF-project and site out of it. The project is perfect for GUIs for I've thought a lot about my life as a software engineer. I don't feel geeky enough to specialise in a language like Java or C#, nor clever enough to only do I've thought a lot about my new life when moving to Canberra Australia in two months; will I get good work, will our lives be better, will it work? There are a million things to do and work out before we go, but I've decided to throw away more than bring, so I'm excited about it. So, in all this excitement, when will I have time to fear all of it? I'll try to
Just make sure you give me a call when you get to Australia. I'll help all I can.
( Fri, Aug 1 2003 )
Being excited is one of the most wonderfull feelings.
It don't matther about viability or anything more that the
possibility, so reality doesn't account to much with a feelling as imaginative as this.
Hope you can keep feeling that away about that you are doing.
Henriqe Alves