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Wed, 19 January 2005 13:00:00 GMT
Notice! This blog is no longer updated as such, and the new spot to point your feedreaders and blurry eyes are This also means no more comments here, and especially not you spammers, you filthy floatsam of the internet!
On the failure of large projects
Today while reading the [sigia-l] mailing-list, Donna M. Fritzsche uttered some wise words; I would point to a few specifics: 1. The wrong people making high-level technical architecture decisions (purchasing products before the right research has been done.) 2. Not paying up front to hire the best people for high-level positions. 3. Not allowing your team leaders to put together the teams that they see fit. 4. Underestimating the time it takes too pull off a project of this magnitude (including preliminary testing, beta-testing, etc.) (I dont mean user testing here - but rather technical testing/simulation, user-testing too would be great). Another project management nugget. Permalink (Wed, 19 January 2005 13:00:00 GMT)| Comments (0) | Project management
Tue, 30 Mar 2004 13:00:00 GMT
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Thoughts on Project Management
Project Management is so many things that is really shameful to put it all into the "project management" pile, but there you go. In my case, I handle IT projects. IT projects have somewhat different requirements than other projects, but similar enough that basic training in the one can be used in the other. Last week I attended some advanced Project Management for IT projects, and overal it was very good. I've got my own set of twisted ideas on how to do things, and certain trends in the PM "top league" pretty much matched most of these ideas, so for me it was a session of refining and finding agreement on my own thoughts;
Mon, 28 Apr 2003 13:00:00 GMT
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Web User Interface Developer - an overview
The purpose of
Read the full story at < Web User Interface Developer - an overview >
Permalink (Mon, 28 Apr 2003 13:00:00 GMT)| Comments (1) | Interface and interaction design Project management Programming Methodology
Project managementManaging people, resources and code all at the same time seems to be a never-ending quest. |