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Wed, 16 March 2005 13:00:00 GMT
Notice! This blog is no longer updated as such, and the new spot to point your feedreaders and blurry eyes are This also means no more comments here, and especially not you spammers, you filthy floatsam of the internet!
Short excited announcement
I have started some serious work on the xSiteable Publishing Framework which combines a lot of things I've been working on for the last few years. This is a framework that's been brewing for quite some time, and hence I've decided to can the xSiteable project as a stand-alone thing; the good stuff developed for xSiteable version 0.95+ will be part of this new framework. Here is the rundown;
The most important and exciting part of this framework is that I can now create fully dynamic sites based on sets of MARC XML records. The project that triggered this is a smaller folklore project where I was handed a set of MARC XML records with annotations. Not only can I now display info about this set, but show off the synergetic effects of putting them into a For librarians : If anyone wants to join me in my quest for a MARC XML =>
Any news about xsiteable development?